Signature Events

Distinguished Service awards

UNC Greensboro is built on a tradition of service. Our Distinguished Service Awards celebrate those who embody the ideals of committed public servants. Past and future recipients inspire the University community toward greater service.


Alumni, students, faculty, staff, and community members come together each fall for UNCG Homecoming — a tradition for over 50 years. The Block Party, Bonfire, and men’s soccer game are just a few of the gatherings we look forward to every year!

Red Carpet Reception

Our biannual Red Carpet Reception is a tradition where we literally roll out the red carpet for our new graduates — offering a special toast and welcoming them to our UNCG Alumni community.

UNCG Alumni Awards

The Alumni Awards honor alumni for exceptional achievement and significant contributions to their profession, community, society, or university. Awards are presented annually at an event during Homecoming weekend. 

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