Whether your gift supports your student major, the school or college that’s associated with your current profession, or simply an area that’s important to you, know that you are helping ensure that today’s Spartans will graduate prepared to make a difference in our community and beyond.

Bryan School of Business & Economics

Increase Bryan School student access to excellence, ensure student success, invest in faculty excellence, and promote research excellence. 

College of Arts & Sciences

Support the goals of UNCG’s largest College, including: increasing endowed professorships and developing research labs; expanding graduate opportunities for underrepresented groups; and enhancing high-impact student practices. 

College of Visual & Performing Arts

Provide personal and program support to CVPA students and the arts communities they work with, including both scholarship programs and individual initiatives such as Greensboro Project Space and the Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program. 

School of Education

The School of Education’s core purpose is to change lives through education and advance access to life’s opportunities. Whether you are a proud graduate or you believe in the power of education, you can make an impact. 

Lloyd International Honors College

A gift to LIHC enhances the educational experience for outstanding students at UNCG and builds opportunities for excellent students and makes these resources available to high-achieving students from challenging backgrounds. 

Joint School of NanoScience & NanoEngineering

Support scholarships and tuition relief, and help attract and retain the very best faculty, staff, and resources. Your support plays a direct role in helping JSNN be a catalyst for breakthrough innovations that provide high-impact academic, industry, and government research outcomes. 

School of Health & Human Sciences

Help HHS make the world a “safer, healthier, and more just place” through support for new and existing community engagement opportunities, increased funding for Graduate and Undergraduate research, assistantships and scholarships, and faculty program and support funding. 

School of Nursing

Support Dean Debra J. Barksdale’s mission to create an inclusive community, support passionate people, advance innovative practices, and produce extraordinary outcomes in the field of Nursing. 


Help secure the financial support that provides our 220+ student-athletes with the opportunity to achieve academic and athletic success. 

University Libraries

By enriching scholar and academic activities for our students, faculty, staff, and community, your support helps promote student success, advances research, develops unique resources, revitalizes facilities and advances our leadership in EDI efforts. 

Weatherspoon Art Museum

Gifts to the Weatherspoon Art Museum transform lives through the power of art, while helping the museum play an important role in the academic and cultural life of campus, the Greensboro community, and the region. 

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